Reasons to Study MBBS in Bangladesh

Studying MBBS in Bangladesh offers several advantages:
1. Affordable Tuition: Compared to private medical colleges in India, tuition fees in Bangladesh are more affordable.
2. Simple Admission Process: The admission process and visa requirements are straightforward.
3. International Recognition: The MBBS program in Bangladesh is internationally recognized.
4. English-Medium Instruction: English is the primary language of instruction.
5. Free Admission Opportunities: SAARC students have the opportunity for free admission to government medical colleges.
6. Indian-Based Curriculum: The curriculum is based on Indian textbooks and journals.
7. Internship Opportunities: There are ample internship opportunities with exposure to diverse patient cases.
8. Gender-Separated Accommodations: Separate accommodations are available for male and female students.
9. Familiar Culture and Language: Bangladesh shares similar culture, food habits, and languages (English, Bengali, Hindi) with India.
10. Safe Environment: Bangladesh offers a safe and welcoming environment with a moderate climate.
11. MCI Approved Colleges: Many medical colleges in Bangladesh are approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI) under the MCI Act 1956.
12. Strict Prohibition: There is a strict prohibition on alcohol and drug consumption in Bangladesh.
Overall, approximately 10,000 Indian students are currently enrolled in MBBS programs in Bangladesh, highlighting its popularity among Indian students.

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