NMC's MBBS Internship Guidelines & their significance to FMGs

The National Medical Commission (NMC) seems all set to create better standards for the department of Medicine in India. It started with setting stronger FMG Regulations 2021 and now it has created and issued the most comprehensive document ever written in this capacity containing guidelines on Compulsory Rotating Internship for Doctors.

To begin with, the draft states that the Internship training will be similarly structured for Indians & FMGs. It includes the objectives, duration, candidature, stipend specifications and of course, the itinerary of the Internship training.

The draft says,“Every candidate shall be required to undergo Compulsory Rotating Internship to the satisfaction of the College authorities & University concerned after passing the final MBBS examination/ NEXT whenever operational, for a period of 12 months so as to be eligible for the award of the degree of MBBS by the respective Universities….”
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