ultimate guide to content marketing/


Imagine carrying your boat into uncharted waters with the aim of reaching somewhere, somehow, but with no compass, no direction, no winds and no necessary equipment that a sailor must have. Daunting, isn’t it? If this scenario is replicated in the digital age, with you wanting to swerve your brand towards the audiences you want to reach, content marketing is your one navigating tool. Without content marketing, a business is like a ship lost at sea, directionless and without a compass.
Every day, every second, countless brands across the globe create and publish content that may or may not reach their target group. Where competition is this fierce and keeping the attention on your brand difficult, content marketing is more important than ever. It’s the key that cuts through the content noise and helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace. In this article, we will understand everything related to content marketing for businesses.

What Is Content Marketing?​

Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of informative content that helps promote brand and services and target people who seek that specific information.
Content marketing is essentially a conversation, not a sales pitch. It’s about providing valuable and relevant information that answers the questions of your target audience and addresses their pain points. Instead of pushing a product or service, it pulls the customers in by providing them with something of value, something that they can’t find elsewhere.

Why Is Content Marketing Important for Business?​

Content marketing is the key to building a brand relationships with customers. Through content marketing, you can share your business and brand story, showcase its products and services and establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry. By providing valuable and relevant information, you can establish yourself as a go-to resource for your customers, positioning yourself as a trusted advisor. It helps in building trust and credibility with customers, and in turn, drives sales. That being said, 67% of marketers today report that content marketing generates demand/leads (a 7% increase since last year). So, content marketing is highly essential to take your brand to new heights, multiple leads at a time.
Here are the most prominent benefits of content marketing for brands:
  • Lead conversion
  • Brand awareness
  • Customer relations
  • Return on investment
Read more about each benefit here:

Why content writing is important for businesses?

Content Marketing Vs Content Writing​

The web is an ever-flowing river of content. Everything you see, read or listen to on the internet is a different category of content. There is content for sales or advertisements, content on awareness about a certain social issue, campaign content and many more. However, one must understand the dynamic of content marketing vs. content writing before diving into the domain.
Writing or creating content is a creative process, and content writers are people who engage their creativity to make credible content that brings the reader to a predefined destination or experience. But content doesn’t sell itself, and content writers are not salesmen either. That’s where the broader umbrella of content marketing comes in.
Find out more here:
Difference between Content Writing and Content Marketing

Types of Content Marketing​

Technically, marketing is attracting and engaging your audience to convert them into customers. Well, it’s not as easy as it sounds. However, today, as technology is booming across all sectors and has simplified various business processes, content marketing has inculcated different ways to attract audiences using diverse forms of marketing techniques. From different types of content writing to social media marketing, content marketing in India comprises of mainly three types,
  • Blogging
  • Infographics
  • Video marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Case studies
  • Podcasts
  • eBooks
  • Guides and how-to’s
Learn more about them in detail here:
11 Types of Content Marketing in India

Content Marketing Plan​

A content marketing plan is a must if you want to turn your brand vision into reality. It is, therefore, crucial to have a clear vision of your content marketing plan and to create a streamlined process in which the plan is supposed to be executed. Check out the essential steps that make up the process of content marketing.
  • Setting goals and KPIs
  • Researching competitors
  • Auditing current content
  • Executing performance metrics
  • Deciding the content type
  • Finalising your resources
  • Finalising the content

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