How to Measure Content Marketing?



The process of writing quality content is simply the foundation upon which your marketing schemes rest. It goes without saying, your intended audience only derives value from your content if it is informative enough to answer any questions they might have pertaining to the products and services you have on offer. Having said that, your content writing agency in India might write quality, informative content, and there’s still a possibility that they’re not meeting your marketing objectives. If you fail to meet your marketing objectives, the effort that goes into creating quality content is essentially wasted. Is your effort fetching what you’re looking for? Here’s how you can determine the answer.
The heart of social media has so many things!

User Behaviour and User Demographic​

You can only measure the success of your content marketing efforts if you first identify your intended customers, which is your intended demographic. After you assess the taste of their preferences and the media outlets that they frequent, you can use the information to get started. With the help of Google Analytics, you can utilize information on the pageviews you encounter and the number of unique visitors (UV) that land on your website. Google Analytics further helps you with details of the demographic that frequent your site and a tentative idea of the geographical regions they are based at. Further criteria such as the ‘Average time spent on a given page’ and the ‘bounce rates’ are also meant to offer critical insight. Bounce rate effectively determines how user-friendly your website is. A professional content writing agency never undermines the value of the assessing user demographic.

Social Media and Sharing

Most businesses operate through multiple social media platforms in order to promote their range of products and services. It is for this reason that measuring the social media success of your content is critical. The question remains: how do you measure the efficiency of your social media activity? Here’s information that every content writing agency in India must swear by.
You measure your social media engagement based on the number of shares and referrals. Similarly, your follower growth and the comments are further indications of how successful or unsuccessful your content has been. Yes, comments can be negative and they can be positive. The underlying fact of the matter is that your content must be capable of stirring some reaction in people. And, it is preferred if this reaction is not a result of mediocre content marketing habits.

Lead Generation and Measurement of ROI

No measurement of your content marketing is complete without determining its ROI. Here are the popular means through which you can accurately measure your ROI. First, there is ‘Marketing Qualified Leads’ or MQL, which is a lead that is handed to your sales department. This happens when a prospect engages with the content you put up. If you have multiple channels where you put up content, it’s useful to compare the ‘MQL per channel’ for the applicable channels.
Based on this comparison you can be clear about the channels that are providing better results. Here’s the golden rule for every organization and every freelance content writer in India: It’s better to direct your efforts where they pay better dividends.
As a final metric, rely on your ‘click-through-rate’. Based on your click-through-rate, you can accurately determine the rate at which your audience open your email and click the link to your landing page. A mark of good content is that it propels your audience to read more of it. To ensure your outstanding content writing isn’t wasted, it’s important to measure its effectiveness at all times.
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