Facts about MBBS in Russia

Why opt for Russia for studying MBBS? If you've delved into researching medical universities abroad, you might recognize that pursuing MBBS in Russia, especially for Indian students, is undeniably advantageous. If you're unsure why Russia stands out as a prime destination for your medical education, here are a few compelling reasons:

1. No entrance exams: Surprisingly, many Russian universities don't require you to sit for any entrance exams (although there are exceptions). In Russia, there's a straightforward rule for international students: selection is primarily based on high school scores and a first-come-first-serve basis.

2. No capitation fees or donations: In contrast to the hefty donations often demanded by private medical colleges in India, MBBS admissions in Russia typically don't entail capitation fees. Most public medical universities in Russia don't impose any additional donation fees, and even their tuition fees are highly subsidized, rendering MBBS in Russia a financially viable option.

3. Economical cost of living: Alongside the low cost of education, the cost of living in Russia is remarkably affordable. Studies indicate that Indian students can comfortably manage living expenses in Russia with a monthly expenditure ranging from 100 to 300 USD. However, these costs may vary depending on the city where you choose to study and reside, as well as your lifestyle preferences.
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