Carefully Plan Your Self-Publishing Journey


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Some people, self-published authors included, become resounding successes based on luck. However, a well-planned strategy is the wiser way to get good results for most people. From choosing book fulfillment services to deciding on a title and cover design, many things must work together. The easiest way to understand the situation is to realize that independent authors need to do everything publishing companies do. For your book to be competitive, it needs all the content preparation advantages that authors receive when working inside the traditional system. You can quickly see why planning is essential.

Some things in the journey may be more evident than others. For example, how will you print your book? If you've been looking at on-demand, it's a credible option, But it limits where you can sell and can cause bottlenecks waiting for print runs during busy times. It is crucial to understand how each option works and carefully weigh them against each other. It also varies by book and author, and what works for someone else might not be effective for you. It is helpful to benchmark against other successful books in your genre. Seeing how they appealed to the target audience is enlightening.

Most successful books today have multiple target audiences, each becoming interested for its own reasons. Keeping your audience in mind as you write, design your cover, decide on a binding, etc., contributes to your success. Think of your book as a product that needs to seem entertaining or valuable to its intended audience. Being understandable also matters, so avoid anything esoteric or difficult to understand. When people see your book's title and cover, they must attract attention favorably. Initially, something needs to spark people's interest and get your book selling copies.

Supporting your book with a marketing campaign also helps. If you research the topic, you'll find that marketing supports the most successful books. It can take many forms, from PR to advertising, online-only, or legacy media included. Timing can matter, and it's worth it to consider your launch date carefully. Some self-published authors are contrarians and launch in late summer or during the holidays, knowing the competition will be less for media attention. Others write books that tie to a specific season or event and must be launched accordingly. Think through your situation before choosing a date.
  1. Write a book that's marketable.
  2. Edit like a professional.
  3. Develop an eye-catching cover.
  4. Choose your self-publishing platform.
  5. Format your book.
  6. Launch your book like a store launches a product.
  7. Market yourself on social media.
  8. Start working on your next book.
  9. remote jobs hiring.
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