Accommodation For International Students

When considering accommodation options in Germany, one of the primary decisions you'll need to make is whether to share a residence with other roommates or rent a private residence for yourself. German universities typically do not take responsibility for student accommodation, so it's up to you to find suitable lodging through diligent research.

In every city, there are student halls of residence known as "Studentwerk," which are managed by student service organizations. The average cost of accommodation in Studentwerk is approximately 240 euros per month, making it a highly affordable option for students in Germany, where every penny counts.

It's worth noting that accommodation in Germany is in high demand, with 181,000 applications received on average. To avoid the hassle of securing accommodation, it's advisable to apply as early as possible. Applications are typically processed online through the local administration website of Studentwerk.

Studentwerk offers a variety of housing options throughout Germany. However, regardless of the type of accommodation you choose, you can expect to have access to a furnished room, a communal kitchen, and shared living and bathroom facilities.
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